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Village Prenatal Circles

Reclaim your parental care. Learn tools that will provide you with knowledge and understanding about your pregnancy and your baby, as well as tools to enhance your intuitive abilities.


Village prenatal circles welcome all expectant mothers with open arms, regardless of their pregnancy stage or birth plan. The classes offer a range of practices, including check-ins, educational sessions, and hands-on practices to help you develop a strong connection with your body and baby. We also provide reflective questions to encourage deeper exploration and understanding.


Join us to gain confidence in your pregnancy journey and connect with other like-minded mothers-to-be.

I created this space because I have noticed in the recent years a few different things.

-   Mothers to be don't want the type of care that is being offered. This is leading to more "free births" or there are woman that don't feel confident enough or like a free birth is an option for them that are stuck with subpar care. 

My goal is to fill the gap between modern care that is being offered and the holistic care mothers are craving.

-  To educate woman in a way that makes them feel confident in their knowledge around their health and body. This is so that woman can stop handing over their power to health care professionals and instead become their own advocate and healer , making informed decisions. If a mother does have to take the modern care avenue she is equipped with the information she needs. Of if a mother is wanting to take a more holistic approach she has the skills and understanding to take complete responsibility for her care and experience.

  - After years of isolation mothers want and need connection with other woman and mothers. This is a space just for that. Real connection and space holding.

A Glimpse

Connection and heart led spaces is what I am here to create for mothers to feel seen and heard. 

Upcoming Events

  • MotherCircle Online
    MotherCircle Online
    Wed, Jan 08
    Jan 08, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
    Jan 08, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
    This is an 8 week woman's circle focused on Mothers. Join us in taking the time to reflect on your transition into motherhood. Dive into the layers of being a mother in the modern world and how the shapes us as woman.
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